Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Love, your scary little pumpkins!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last Day of Soccer

Saturday was the end of Fall Soccer. We had a great year! Both boys played extremely well. Owen had 6 goals and Andrew made 2 on their final games! It was a LONG day at the soccer field however. The games were spread apart far enough that made it a whole day at the field but not enough time in between to make it home for awhile. Evan was absolutely pooped out by the end of the day! Of course my camera battery was dead so I had to take this shot with my phone! Mind you, I was yelling and screaming the whole game and my feet were right in front of Evan. He didn't even budge!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Our beloved Dodger jersey (stupid Dodgers!) and red rain boots from U. Korey and A. Anne have lasted for all 3 boys!! The rain boots are a favorite of Evan's right now!

(Luckily for all of you the shirt is a little long! His other favorite thing is wearing NO underwear!!)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Owen!!!

Our sweet Owen turned SIX today!!
He has been counting down the days for 2 weeks. His "principal" met him at the door of the school this morning to deliver 6 hugs! He had a very special day at school.
He requested chicken and cream gravy for his birthday dinner with peppermint ice cream (which nana searched all of Billings to find!) and brownies for his dessert. Unfortunately, he was unable to enjoy any of it! Thirty minutes after the excitement of presents he started vomiting!!!!
Poor kid!
The following pictures precede the sickness...

(poor lighting = poor quality pictures!)

Mommy failed to read the print in the top corner...OVER 480 PIECES!!!

For those of you counting...yes, this now puts us up to 3 drum kits and a set of buckets!

Thanks Oma for making us a special dinner. Owen will have to eat his share tomorrow!