Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pajama Time

Where's My Milk????

Actually, Aidan was just trying to get him to smile and this is the face he got instead!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

More pictures of Evan!

Andrew does live with us still.....really! It's just that he is always in school during picture time!!


Owen's hairstyle of choice these days is the Mohawk. He won't leave the house without having his hair combed this way!!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Evan has started smiling! We have yet to capture the really big happy smiles but here are a few attempts. Hopefully we will have some better ones in the coming weeks!

The Middle Child

Don't mess with the middle child!


The boys have each received a special blanket made by Grandma at birth. Evan received his on Valentine's Day! It turned out beautifully. Thanks for the many hundreds of hours put into it, Grandma! (We love the hat, too!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why is everybody always picking on me????

Male pattern baldness and the double chin are already a concern!!!

California Company

Here are a couple pictures from Uncle Korey and Aunt Anne's visit! We were able to celebrate Superbowl Sunday and Uncle Korey's birthday together. (I'm a couple weeks behind in blogging!)
I am not sure who had more fun, the boys or Korey and Anne. The noise level always seemed to increase tenfold when they came over to "play"!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

And more pictures of Evan!!

Owen's 1st Day of School

Today was Owen's first day of school! I don't know who was more excited....Andrew or Owen!
Andrew was so excited and proud to have his little brother joining him at school.

Mr. Stinky

After 3 weeks the umbilical cord finally fell off and Mr. Stinky got a REAL bath!