Sunday, June 30, 2013

A first....

Our first broken bone.
Evan fractured his clavicle at the soccer fields this week.  He was rolling down the hills with a couple of friends when one of them decided to "sit" on him as he was rolling.  Crack!
(I always thought it would be Owen with the first broken bone in this household!!)

Luckily it was a pretty minor fracture so he has been doing great.  However, he is still being spoiled rotten by Nana and Papa and Uncle Korey and Aunt Anne!!!
 (Now Owen wants to break his leg so he can get some sympathy presents too!)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

iPad Time

My iPad junkie.  He (all 3 of them, really) would play on the iPad ALL day if I would let them!

Taken last night with the light of the iPad only...might be a bit on the grainy side!

Monday, June 3, 2013


Owen went fishing with his best buddy about a week ago.  They went to Petrolia Lake near Winnett and caught LOTS of fish.  Here is Owen with his first walleye!

We ate him on Saturday!