Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tooth Fairy

Andrew got a visit from the Tooth Fairy on his birthday!!
We don't even get to see him with a toothless grin because the new tooth is already there. It has been growing in behind the baby tooth for a good month already!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Andrew!!

We caved in and bought the Wii.
Happy Birthday, buddy!!!

New Toy

Evan was getting tired of looking at the same old things so we got him a new toy. He is able to go around in a circle to view all the toys about 3 times and then he is completely wiped out and ready for a big nap! It's hard work to hold that heavy head up!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Picture Day

The boys had their pictures taken this week by a "real" photographer. We are anxiously awaiting the proofs!! I made them sit a little bit longer so I could take some pictures for the blog!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Signs of Spring!!

No, not flowers.....a SANDBOX!!!
We finally had a nice enough day to get some sand for the new sandbox. The boys were so excited they didn't even have time to take off their bike helmets!
(Although, I am convinced Owen should wear a helmet at all times!)

Owen, Evan, Owen, Evan.....

We should have named him Fred!!!
(We mix up those 2 names all the time)

I have been taking lots of pictures but just haven't had the time to transfer them to the computer. So here are a few pictures of the little drooler...

Yes, a thumb-sucker. Sure hope he doesn't get U. Korey's dental bills in the future!

After a hundred pictures, a little smile emerged.


NOT posing!

Telling daddy how his day went!