Sunday, July 13, 2008

Man Boobs

Three meals a day = double chins,

man boobs...

and a happy, happy baby!!

You should see his legs....

I don't know how much more running, jumping and biking Owen's body can take this summer.
We have been through several boxes of band aids, fixed bent handle bars numerous times, been to the hospital to x-ray for a broken foot (it was not broken, thankfully!) and now this...

Scooter handle bar to the cheek!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Where has the time gone???
I can't believe my baby is already 6 months old today!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Look

The boys are showing off their new look! They had to have buzz cuts just like all the other boys at swimming lessons. Notice anything else different in this picture??? :)