Monday, December 14, 2009

A Boy's Best Friend

It always amazes me how different my boys are from each other.
For instance....
my first two didn't have a care in the world about Sesame Street or Elmo. I don't think they even knew who Elmo was when they were little. They were all about Thomas the Tank Engine and Disney cartoons.
Now Evan, on the other hand, has no interest in Disney stuff at all. BUT, Elmo rocks his world! He can sit and listen to Elmo tell him stories and the two of them can dance together like nobody's business.
And there is always a hug at the end of playtime!


Anonymous said...

It looks like he just needs a dog. Maybe Santa could bring him one for Christmas!!!!


DAVE said...

only if it is red with big eyes - but a biggggg stuffed elmo would do too

guthridge said...

I'm gonna have to say NO-NO-and NO to the dog and I'll think about a big red Elmo!!